heartbreak Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (something which causes) great sorrow -- kekecewaan

    • I have suffered many heartbreaks in my life.


Examples of heartbreak

  • My point is that the clause will cause more heartbreak and stress than may be worthwhile.

  • Great heartbreak is caused to a small number of people and great distress to the public when they read about such matters.

  • Those suffering from heartbreak housing will rejoice that last year an all-time record or 413,000 houses and flats was achieved.

  • However, we all know of the heartbreak which occurs from time to time, and someone ought to have at least a discretion to prevent it.

  • I would remind them of the heartbreaks that mining often leaves behind in some mining families.

  • It is not difficult to conceive of the enormous heartbreak and the destruction of people's hopes and aspirations that such discrimination must inevitably bring about.

  • Those words indicate more graphically than any elaboration of the theme can do the heartbreak and despair that such adolescent folly brings in its train.

  • These proposals, however, will begin to replace heartbreak with hope.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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