funnel Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 a tube which is wide-mouthed at one end and narrow-mouthed at the other through which liquid can be poured into a narrow bottle etc -- corong

    • You will need a funnel if you are going to pour petrol into that can.

  • 1 a chimney on a ship etc through which smoke escapes. -- serombong


Examples of funnel

  • Exploring structures in protein folding funnels with free energy functinals : the transition state ensemble.

  • Conceivably, funnelling could thus be so strong and so cannily distributed throughout the protein structure that no bottlenecks to folding remain.

  • From levintal to pathways to funnels.

  • Where the ocean floor is close to the surface, the water moves faster, as well as in narrow areas where the water is funneled into closer confines.

  • The leaves were ground in liquid nitrogen, funnelled into cryotubes, and stored in liquid nitrogen.

  • Folding funnels and frustration in off-lattice minimalist protein landscapes.

  • The robot simultaneously creates geometrically precise virtual surfaces, funnels, and paths in space that the user selects to slide along.

  • Insects that emerge from the soil and fly also tend to be funnelled towards the top of the trap.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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