franchise Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of franchise

  • The goal, in other words, is to ensure that the franchises remain interesting to audiences and economically profitable.

  • The idea of franchising is to use the business concept of the global hotel company, the franchisor, by the 'local' property, the franchisee.

  • The six franchises are named in a sequence different from the previous documents.

  • The commons had gained a paper declaration upholding the charters and franchises, and the concessions embodied in the statute of 1340.

  • Though such commissions effectively annulled provisions in corporate charters, their use was entirely within the law of franchises by which such charters were granted.

  • In addition, by franchising a part of its operation, a business is able to concentrate on its core activity.

  • The objective of the law was that of acquiring technical know-how, by making immigration attractive to craftsmen through the concession of franchises and monopolies.

  • Home rule effectively eliminated state access to the awarding of franchises and to the form of local government, both central issues in turnof-the-centur y politics.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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