foliage Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 leaves -- dedaun


Examples of foliage

  • As the foliage dies back the mites wander along it and so cross to adjacent bulbs.

  • The aphid produces large quantities of honeydew which cover the foliage and provide an ideal substrate for the growth of sooty moulds.

  • In an agricultural field it is usually easy to take recordings above the foliage canopy.

  • Biochemical aspects and significance of rapidly induced changes in birch foliage.

  • Given these facts, we believed our treatments would expose nymphs to foliage of significantly different quality.

  • In order to capture a sufficient number of seeds to follow temporal patterns, we avoided setting traps and quadrats under dense palm foliage.

  • We examined 100 terminals of foliage per block at two intervals during the season for aphids, and sampled leafhopper adults on sticky traps.

  • Throughout the experiment, larvae always received foliage from the same trees.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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