fissure Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of fissure

  • In the model under consideration, the width of the fissure is much smaller than the dimension of the adjacent block.

  • These changes opened up a series of structural fissures and internal conflicts.

  • However, a significant amount of extension is still represented by the sediment-filled fissures.

  • Some smaller cavities, or larger cavities with restricted access to the unconformity, were apparently filled by sediment that trickled down into the fissure system.

  • The reptiles and mammals found in the fissure deposits are found, most frequently, in the form of numerous disarticulated skeletal elements.

  • Some fissure-fills contain angular fragments of wall-rock that can be matched to the adjacent margin.

  • For some permeability ratios and fissure widths, the large-scale description is achieved by introducing the so-called double porosity model.

  • But this attempt fizzled, undermined by internal fissures and regional pressures that still preclude a strong central state.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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