escalation Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- peningkatan

    • an escalation of the violence in the streets.


Examples of escalation

  • The difference was most marked in the typically short escalation phase, when daughters performed more personal care.

  • The data here cannot provide a complete answer as to the cause of the escalation in officially recorded statistics on psychiatric morbidity.

  • They found that both adolescents' initial levels of alcohol consumption and their rate of escalation in drinking over time predicted later outcomes.

  • Temperament did not predict escalation in externalizing symptomatology for girls, but low levels of fear predicted increases in internalizing symptoms.

  • The accumulation of such interactions is likely to result in escalation of internalizing symptoms.

  • Accelerated radiotherapy regimen for malignant gliomas using stereotactic concomitant boosts for dose escalation.

  • Thus, a border dispute is successfully managed if the dispute is resolved, mitigated or at least prevented from escalation.

  • We hypothesized that a temperament characterized in infancy by low activity and high fear would predict escalations in internalizing symptoms.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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