eatable Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (opposite inedible) fit to be eaten -- boleh dimakan

  • 1 food -- makanan

    • Cover all eatables to keep mice away.


Examples of eatable

  • That meant four profits and four sets of freight and portering charges, with the produce all the time getting more and more tired and less eatable.

  • I do not mind that but when the 'unspeakable' begin to peddle the 'eatable', they should be open to the hygiene rules, as set down in this regulation.

  • We had it on very good authority, that if one wraps loaves they can be kept for days and be quite eatable at the end of three or four days.

  • But the fact of the matter is that we are now using things which are not all that eatable.

  • Maybe, but at any rate the herrings would be properly cured and eatable unlike the dyed kippers of today.

  • The best and most devoted cooks are at their wits' end to provide eatable meals, and the worst send up revolting messes.

  • You took the dog outside the room and you hid anything, so long as it was eatable, in any part of the room.

  • It may be that our trains would be cleaner and our food in many restaurants more eatable if people complained more.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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