duty-free Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 free from tax -- bebas cukai

    • duty-free wines.


Examples of duty-free

  • In the latter case, the shipowners also have an alternative of duty-free delivery direct from the bonded warehouses or refineries.

  • How would the attraction of duty-free purchases be removed by the harmonisation of duties?

  • I think that that has something to do with duty-free allowances.

  • Not only will it come into being in 1993 but there is a real risk that duty-free sales will be lost.

  • There is another example— the ending of all duty-free concessions on tobacco.

  • The prices at which duty-free goods are sold at airports is a matter for the airport authorities.

  • British diplomats serving at home are not permitted to purchase duty-free wines, spirit or cigarette in this country.

  • Do not other countries which are interested in the import of this raw material allow it duty-free entry anyway?




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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