detour Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 a wandering from the direct way -- lencongan

    • We made a detour through the mountains.


Examples of detour

  • The renaming relation allows such detours to be eliminated.

  • Presumably, detouring, running fast, hiding, and the like were the behaviors that gave humans a reproductive edge in this case.

  • A left detour is performed in both cases, and the robot reaches its moving goal successfully.

  • In this natural break, the listener could be taken on a literal and metaphorical detour, the juxtaposition of locations reflected in the false map.

  • This takes him on to his own position without too many detours.

  • Section 5 makes a brief detour to consider some issues connected with the rule of transitivity (a notorious troublemaker in subtyping systems).

  • But in order to state the view correctly, we must take a brief detour into the semantics of subjunctive conditionals.

  • Similar problems require a detour into distributive categories to handle the conditional form of the filter function.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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