deposit Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of deposit

  • Most depend on means of depositing films and of masking and etching.

  • Four groups of four sheep were formed, depending upon the average number of eggs deposited per gram of faeces after the prepatent period.

  • Some, perhaps most, of those deposited in tombs, were complete, purposeful depositions, in the approximate positions and with the associations in which they were recovered.

  • Approximately one-third of the extant deposit was excavated (1.25 m3), resulting in the recovery of 170.6 kg of workshop debris, totaling millions of flakes.

  • The simplest explanation for the association is that these bones belonged to parts of deer carcasses deposited with the burial as grave goods.

  • This may be ascribed to the sample being a thin deposit.

  • A glass substrate was kept parallel to and 14.5 mm away from the thin film to deposit atomic beams for the topographical analysis.

  • In cell cultures, tropoelastin expression is generally low, and ordered elastic fibres are not often deposited.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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