deform Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of deform

  • As the sphere began to sink into the fluid, it deformed the interface.

  • The sheet is then subsequently deformed in such a way as to be pressed against the mould and indeed to take up its shape.

  • Large gradients of electron density in this plasma deflect laser rays from their initial trajectories, thus deforming substantially the laser intensity distribution on the target.

  • We have yet to understand the implications of a literary movement deformed and transformed by those it most seemed to oppose.

  • Before achieving "genetic transplants," it learned how to enter the heart of the cellular mechanisms that it deforms.

  • Biotite-bearing schlieric migmatites such as sample no. 452640 are interlayered on a 20 to 100 m scale with garnet-bearing deformed augen granites.

  • Ancient systems are, as often as not, preserved in strongly deformed mountain belts.

  • The flexed bedding indicates that the sands were partly or wholly liquidized when deformed.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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