daily Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 happening etc every day -- rutin

  • 1 every day -- harian

    • I get paid daily.

  • 2 a newspaper published every day -- akhbar harian

    • The same story is in all the dailies.

  • 3 (also daily help) British, old-fashioned a person who is paid to come regularly and help with the housework -- pembantu rumah harian

    • Our daily (help) comes on Mondays.


Examples of daily

  • Not even those students contemplating a career in music felt that daily practice was necessary to maintain standards.

  • Since the study involved retrospective thought, the respondents were required to have adequate cognitive capacity for daily social functioning.

  • Geranium fruits were collected daily, since their ripe fruits or seeds are released from the parent plant.

  • Foraging frequency was positively correlated with minimum daily temperatures and very few foragers were observed in winter.

  • The framework allows point models to be run over space using time sequences of interpolated, continuous daily maximum and minimum temperatures.

  • Thereafter, numbers of spring migrants were counted and removed daily.

  • Through the 1970s archaeologists debated and refined their understanding of significance through hands-on practical applications in their daily work.

  • Such items are precisely what historians need to obtain a better and more concrete image of daily life.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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