cyberspace Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of cyberspace

  • To the cognoscenti of cyberspace, there is a strict pecking order, all plainly visible in the alphabet soup of letters and punctuation.

  • In coming years we will encounter resonances between physical and cyberspaces.

  • The quick interactions taking place in cyberspace impeded students from producing correct and coherent discourse, especially during the learner-learner interaction.

  • Cyberspace represents a perfect medium for concealing a person's identity and the encouragement of irresponsible behaviour.

  • As more people are able to create music collectively within cyberspace, the notion of music of and for the people will evolve, perhaps radically.

  • A patient communicating with a physician in cyberspace may feel that the physician is more accessible and can express concerns without interruption.

  • From the practical point of view, globalisation through cyberspace forces music businesses to operate according to consumer choice.

  • In cyberspace, where everyone's words look the same, national boundaries and social distinctions become less important.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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