convoy Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 a group of ships, lorries, cars etc travelling/traveling together -- beriring-iringan

  • 1 a fleet of merchant ships escorted for safety by warships -- konvoi

    • The convoy was protected by three cruisers and some destroyers.


Examples of convoy

  • They were driven off only by the fact that battleships were in company with the convoys concerned.

  • We have a large number of corvettes and frigates, built during the war for escorting convoys and anti-submarine work generally.

  • The safe arrival of convoys is a matter of life and death to this country.

  • Have we adequate escorts for convoys of ships in that area in time of war?

  • I suggest that it may alter the whole picture of submarine attack on merchant convoys.

  • The truth of the matter is that the advantages of convoys are considerable.

  • I, too, believe in convoys as a temporary measure, but not as a permanent measure.

  • The result is that the convoys go out in front in order to get those two enemy machines down.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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