concoction Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- rekaan

    • a concoction consisting of Bourbon, bitters, sugar and citrus.


Examples of concoction

  • If they do, why have they brought forward this concoction of misjudged, unfair, inadequate and provocative measures?

  • It is very much a hit or miss affair whether they detect those bringing in these vile concoctions.

  • Indeed, to dignify this concoction with the title of a scheme is beyond a joke.

  • The order is a concoction which does not square with reality or with the views of the passenger transport authority.

  • That toxic concoction will eventually end up in the barrage.

  • If they vote against and reject the amendment, they too will be responsible for this weak and empty concoction.

  • Fourthly, by correctly labelling the relevant concoctions which are widely available on the market, so that they clearly state that they are anabolic substances.

  • Little by little, concoctions are created, muddling up valid criticism with false accusations.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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