blameless Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 innocent -- tak bersalah

    • She seems to have led a blameless life.


Examples of blameless

  • There is no obvious principled reason to make a distinction between the compensation due equally blameless victims on the basis of the cause of that loss.

  • Genuinely blameless individuals do not engage in criminal conduct, even when the positive incentives are profound.

  • This was not a conflict in which good and blameless men came to blows.

  • We culturally distinguish between blameworthy and blameless suffering.

  • In cases of blameless wrongdoing, everything in this case that maximizes the good and that agents can bring about is right.

  • And let us grant the choice theorist's assumption against determinists that incapacity in this sense intelligibly distinguishes the blameless from the possibly blameworthy.

  • Distinguishing between blameworthy and blameless suffering is easier than measuring suffering.

  • Second, semi-global consequentialists could accept a modified version of the principle that combined 'oughts' imply 'can' that makes an exception for cases of blameless wrongdoing.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

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