biped Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of biped

  • The biped joint coordinates are approximated by cubic splines functions connected at uniformly distributed knots along the motion time.

  • Closed-form solution of the inverse kinematics of the biped is computed.

  • Model-based animation of biped locomotion in several characteristic instants for the experimentally determined joint trajectories.

  • There is then a chapter that presents really impressive results in achieving legged locomotion, including the biped version.

  • The biped is modeled as a five-link planar robot with four actuators located at hip and knee joints.

  • During the single support phase, the configuration of the biped is defined by five independent variables, but there are only four actuators.

  • On that basis, we intend to evaluate, within some limits, the best mass distribution for each link allowing the biped to improve its passive walk.

  • The proposed control method was applied on two different biped robots, and its validity is verified experimentally.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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