before Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 earlier than -- awal sebelum

  • 1 in front of -- di depan

    • She was before me in the queue.

  • 2 rather than -- lebih daripada

  • 3 earlier -- sebelum ini

  • 4 earlier than the time when -- sebelum


Examples of before

  • Controls were asked about food and restaurant exposures for the week before the matched patient's illness, using the same questionnaire format as for cases.

  • Further research is clearly needed on the processes of party list construction before we have an answer to this question.

  • Political fund regulation should be legislated before other political reform.

  • The problem needs to be addressed before the situation becomes as serious as it is with other, more broadspectrum anthelmintics.

  • A research bias favouring certain helminth groups over others has been suspected before.

  • Rats were prohibited food and water for 12 h before infection.

  • Indeed, we have seen in the previous subsection that setoids and morphisms of setoids must come before and be the base of category theory.

  • Also, before resistance starts to appear in human isolates of fluke.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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