bear Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (usually with cannot, could not etc) to put up with or endure -- tanggung

    • I couldn’t bear it if he left.

  • 1 to be able to support -- mampu tahan

  • 2 (past participle in passive bornboːn) to produce (children) -- lahir

    • She was born on July 7.

    • She has borne (him) several children

  • 3 to carry -- diangkat

  • 4 to have -- terdapat

  • 5 to turn or fork -- pusing


Examples of bear

  • Four patients had been born prematurely and had ductal ligation soon after birth.

  • Infants were healthy with no known developmental delays and were born full-term (37-43 weeks) with normal birth weights (2.9-4.2 kg).

  • Indeed, prompt-the control delimiter-was "born" twice for radically different reasons.

  • The children were interested in the bear and wanted to hear ' him ' reply.

  • In fact, although the discipline he imposed in his factory was a severe one, it was born of a desire to improve his workmen's lot.

  • In some cases, arguments bear semantic properties that, typically, require that they bear a direct grammatical function, but in these cases they do not.

  • His perceptions are certainly borne out by my own experience of visiting the building.

  • It is worth bearing in mind, however, that their subjects were university students.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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