ascendancy Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of ascendancy

  • The hypothesized co-occupation of the valley means that there were no invaders and no "invaded" population but, rather, two distinct interacting groups competing for ascendancy.

  • I suggest that the critics have gained ascendancy mainly because the defence has been neither multi-dimensional nor multi-national.

  • The reproduction of their families and the reproduction of their relations with the state reinforced each other as strategies for the perpetuation of their ascendancy.

  • A more diffused growth pattern stressing metropolitan planning and mainland development through a satellite city gains ascendancy.

  • Yet his ascendancy owed more to the internal politics of the new ruling party than to his religious identity.

  • Thus, when structur-alist linguistics was in the ascendancy, the content of language courses was specified in terms of sentence patterns.

  • A variety of convenient features have led to its ascendancy.

  • There need have been no signs in the arm; the bacteraemia could have silently gained ascendancy.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

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