anecdote Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of anecdote

  • I take these anecdotes for performatives, fashioned in order to level the playing field that comprises both performers and recorder.

  • It is very rich in ethnographic detail and includes many amusing anecdotes from the field.

  • From the anecdotes of the informants, we infer that anglophones were also a non-negligible presence on the fishing boats.

  • Although they are presented in a jumbled manner the book contains many important insights, telling anecdotes and acute personal observations.

  • Leafing through its pages, one comes across reports, anecdotes and minor controversies as well as sustained discussions in areas like ethics and aesthetics.

  • Or, alternatively, they relate anecdotes about insensitive or inappropriate physician behavior, apparently under the impression that "medical ethics" is designed to prevent such behavior.

  • Exercises include discussion, role-play, simulation, report writing, negotiating budgets and contracts, consumer surveys, small talk, social arrangements, telling anecdotes, exchanging opinions, and socializing.

  • An anecdote about a patient with strong left hemineglect suggests the involvement of consciousness in this phenomenon.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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