allocation Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- peruntukan

    • the allocation of resources.


Examples of allocation

  • These include such variables as implementation capacity, the policy environment, resource endowments and initial allocations, the overall economic environment, and natural factors.

  • We thus had a clear prima facie egalitarian case against the seniority-based allocation.

  • All modern languages, from all three of the families mentioned above, have dynamic storage allocation.

  • The second major theme of the book relates to asset allocation rather than security selection.

  • The allocation, in this edition, of common names of diseases such as blight and canker to their respective host crops is valuable.

  • However, we believe that its implied systematic and comprehensive evaluation of the interventions' advantages and disadvantages is helpful in the process in resource allocation.

  • We find that within farms, land allocation is responsive to relative crop prices and yields.

  • The optimal resource allocations and prices are calculable for the current level of natural capital as well for future potential levels.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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