alkali Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of alkali

  • Such comparisons resulted in the creation of a specific order of precipitations of metals with metals or alkalis from acidic solutions.

  • The technique coats a tungsten plug with aluminosilicate doped with an alkali metal, which is then sintered onto the tungsten.

  • These sources work by applying a layer of alkali metal atoms on a low work function substrate, usually tungsten.

  • In less-deformed portions of larger intrusive bodies, alkali feldspar porphyroclasts are still recognizable.

  • Stricture formation is frequent after ingesting caustic chemicals such as strong acids or alkalis.

  • Overlying the alkali basalts are minor tephrite and plagioclase- and kaersutite-phyric phonotephrite lavas.

  • Depleted olivine basalts are associated with radiolarian cherts while most pelagic limestones and cherts are found interbedded with alkali basalts.

  • Although they had clear morphological characteristics, they consisted of at least three families - acid salts, volatile alkalis, and vinous or inflammable spirits.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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