adjectival Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- kata sifat

    • an adjectival phrase.


Examples of adjectival

  • The possessive adjective also takes distinctively adjectival morphology.

  • In addition, as is the case with verbal predicates, adjectival predicates exhibit various degrees of compatibility with the existential reading.

  • Given that locatives and adjectival predicates are states, it might seem unsurprising that they should yield mixed results in ne-cl.

  • Other facts regarding ne-cl with adjectival predicates should be mentioned.

  • For the short ambiguous passives, both adjectival and verbal interpretations were treated as correct.

  • Unambiguously verbal interpretations, in which the passive participle is incompatible with an adjectival reading, are restricted to cases with perfective aspect.

  • That is, the include-in restriction is associated with phrases consisting of an adjectival head daughter and a definite non-head-daughter.

  • The requirement for definite concord can, in turn, be directly stated on adjectival types.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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