acrobatics Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 acrobatic performances -- persembahan akrobat

    • The children danced and performed acrobatics.


Examples of acrobatics

  • It was to be a special family occasion allied perhaps to a fair or acrobatics— that type of thing.

  • That feat of accounting acrobatics has rarely been paralleled since then.

  • Only a mind insulated from reality by a very amiable disposition to excessive intellectual acrobatics could have thought of it.

  • From now on we shall call these things 'administrative acrobatics'.

  • Exhibitions of tightrope-walking and even of acrobatics are familiar in this business as in that.

  • These are all very interesting pieces of financial jugglery; very interesting from the point of view of mental acrobatics.

  • The sports and recreation centre will provide about 39 different types of activity, ranging from acrobatics to yoga.

  • On one policy they have stood firm through all the acrobatics.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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