absent-minded Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 not noticing what is going on around one because one is thinking deeply; forgetful -- pelupa

    • He is very absent-minded and is always forgetting where he has put things.


Examples of absent-minded

  • All of us know of some very hard and grievous cases, especially with old people who are absent-minded, where the case ought never to have been brought.

  • Will he further agree that shoplifting is an example of an offence in which the motives and circumstances can vary, from the persistent professional offender to the merely absent-minded?

  • He was one of these people who was readily identified as an infant prodigy, and was treated as such; and his defensive mechanism was to become appallingly absent-minded.

  • I am seeking to find a method which will not only reduce the number of mistakes by the absent-minded, but simultaneously deter the real thief.

  • This would deter some people from shoplifting and might prevent absent-minded people from putting goods into their own shopping baskets.

  • You would make a charming back bencher, a pillar of your party, and you would bask in the absent-minded smile of your leader.

  • It is generally accepted that self-service shopping has increased the opportunities for shoplifters as well as offering new hazards for the absent-minded.

  • The auditors were, to say the least, absent-minded.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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