
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan whey. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi whey.

Contoh whey

  • We therefore contaminated the samples with whey protein containing -lactoglobulin, which could be detected by binding to a specific fluorescence-labeled antibody.

  • As a result, liquid organic whey must be marketed via conventional paths.

  • It is claimed that soybean whey can help livestock gain weight, but transportation costs and spoilage can affect its utilization as a feedstuff35.

  • There are times whey it has been spectacularly badly managed.

  • This is an age whey everyone seems to think it wise to form trusts and combines.

  • Therefore, while prices may rise, whey must not fall.

  • Local education authorities try to make the best arrangements they can for such children whey they can trace them.

  • That is just whey they do have—too little to do, and too little money.

  • There must be other reasons whey they embark upon a life of crime.

  • For the rest, there are levies on whey and skimmed milk powders, eggs and egg products.

  • For this purpose, milk powder does not include whey.

  • I know one of my noble friends has a small series of pipe-lines on his farm for conveying whey.

  • I should like to know what particular safeguard he had in mind whey he referred to this matter in those terms.

  • It is easy to understand whey he should want a confession in his hand before the subject sees a lawyer.

  • We are commissioning research to find out whey they did not claim income support.

Maksud whey

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