
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan waiting-list. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi waiting-list.

Contoh waiting list

  • She had a full case load, and a long waiting list.

  • They enter a waiting list where they wait for an organ to become available.

  • Waiting list dynamics and the impact of earmarked funding.

  • It has been recommended that independent teams or "waiting list brigades" should be set up to investigate persistent local problems (12).

  • This was a dedicated waiting list program capable of sorting patients into the correct order of priority.

  • The oral dose of propranolol was increased and the child was discharged with his name having been placed on the surgical waiting list.

  • The huge waiting list is tangible evidence of a national hunger for organs.

  • Waiting list participants completed a postal health status questionnaire to provide information about the knee-related and general health status of preoperative patients.

  • The number of eligible applicants exceeds the available money, so a long waiting list has developed.

  • The analysis included 16 post-treatment comparisons of self-help v. control conditions (placebo/waiting list) and 16 self-help v. contrast treatment conditions.

  • This study was performed to find out about the queue discipline in waiting lists for elective surgery to reveal potential discrepancies in waiting list management.

  • The longer patients wait for appointments, the more inaccurate a waiting list becomes.

  • A waiting list database application was developed to book patients in the correct order of priority and within target waiting times.

  • Patients were also required to have at least 3 months remaining on the waiting list for therapy so that outcomes were not confounded.

  • The remaining children were on a waiting list for language evaluation for late speech onset or poor language development.

Maksud waiting list

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