
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan seldom. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi seldom.

Contoh seldom

  • These truly embody 'vox populi', the seldom-heard voice of the ordinary woman and man.

  • But the idea of an ageless self is also supported by developmental psychological theories, where the development after adolescence is seldom considered.

  • Because the cat has large receptive fields, these residual movements will seldom be consequential for visual physiology.

  • In fact, it is difficult to run one's eye over these listings without realizing - and regretting - how seldom they have been put to use.

  • Unlike the introductory movement, environmental recordings are seldom perceived, and the whole movement is endowed with a distinctly abstract character.

  • The correlation between social problem and administrative remedy is seldom exact.

  • Such forms of fiction seldom reflect current political discussion.

  • She is spatially bound in her leisure activities and seldom ventures to unfamiliar places by herself.

  • It is worth mentioning that direct sales of country food were seldom reported by the informants.

  • Because of the dappled nature of the universe, nomological machines are seldom just found.

  • As for the prospects, they are also projecting an integrated identity; they seldom behave like customers in the interactions.

  • Seldom can both goals be congruent unless the ecologies are made more advantageous to the relevant populations.

  • So we have dating methods and chronologies, yet we seldom ask what time is.

  • Yet, experimental results and real-life observations seldom support that expectation.

  • Hunters and travellers passing through, but seldom remaining long in the districts, very naturally associated such species with the fly.

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