
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan privatize. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi privatize.

Contoh privatize

  • It is necessary to set clear targets of land areas to be privatized each year by district.

  • However, subsequent e^orts to privatize these 314 public-sector enterprises proceeded slowly and in piecemeal fashion.

  • Shaming penalties privatize both the determination of the severity of the sanction and the infliction of the sanction.

  • As a result, many sectors such as health and education are highly (and often illegally) privatized despite the constitutionally guaranteed dominant role of the state.

  • It is one among many options, ranging from minister and budget-governed organizations through government corporations and corporate look-alikes to fully privatized, but government-regulated corporations.

  • These businesses were fully privatized over the 1987-1990 period.

  • Farmers privatize their crop residues, either by hoisting them into trees, fencing or adopting other measures to preserve them for their own use.

  • A transitional economy that does not continue to privatize over time can only approach the low-wage steady state in the long-run.

  • The local, or national, authorities privatize the resource by allowing an outside firm to access the resource, while declaring illegal its access to villagers.

  • If postal services were privatized, postmasters would lose their favor.

  • While the extent of the privatization process varies by country and sector, many large stationary sources of air or water pollution remain to be privatized.

  • We consider the redistributive effects of privatizing a resource previously exploited under free access.

  • Critics ask why these systems should not be privatized or eliminated altogether.

  • Given the costs and the uncertainty of privatizing public corporations, they prefer to muddle through.

  • The community lands of communidades were virtually privatized in the post-liberation phase and this created a new community of resource owners.

Maksud privatize

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