
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan picket. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi picket.

Contoh picket

  • Television and press coverage of the conference concentrated more on the small group of pickets boycotting the conference than on the sanguine reports from the press officers.

  • While the occasional ' ' victory march,' ' usually numbering several hundred people, was staged, picketing squads were always small, indicating that few people made a long-term commitment to the movement.

  • I have advised hospital authorities to report to the police any instance of unlawful action by pickets.

  • They have mobilised every available officer in order to disperse excessive numbers of pickets.

  • The conduct of its members inside the conference hall was shockingly rude, and outside the building the demonstrators and pickets were disgracefully violent.

  • The numbers given for pickets and demonstrators represent the maximum numbers estimated to be present at any time in the day.

  • The fact that there will be a limited number of pickets at any factory gate would make it perfectly possible to cope with the situation.

  • The booklet sets out perfectly good, standard guidelines as to what ought to be the behaviour of mass pickets.

  • He was charged with bias, his office was picketed and suggestions were made that his investigation was motivated by personal gain.

  • We shall drift back to the bad old days of 1979, with secondary picketing and flying pickets.

  • The ordinary hours of the civil guard, which have not been changed, are much shorter than those of the pickets.

  • They have also had to patrol roads picketed by strikers in times of civil disturbance.

  • Even now the factory is being picketed and children are being kept away from school.

  • At least those pickets hold no public office and have no public responsibility.

  • In this case, 40 pickets outside the main entrance to a factory moved about in a continuous circle, thus obstructing vehicles and pedestrians.

Maksud picket

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