
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan parchment. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi parchment.

Contoh parchment

  • The handwriting, too, was all wrong, and the parchments were not old enough.

  • Among other questions discussed is the nature of evidence, given changes in writing systems and the materiality of the medium, from parchment to e-mail.

  • The parchment, now yellowish and worn at the edges, is thin and of excellent quality.

  • The spice of the incident lies in the audacity of the under dog: the simple, honest man converting rotten parchment bonds into matter-of-fact fodder.

  • Thirtyfive years later, the whole has a parchment-printed, etching-like quality reminiscent of that heroic era.

  • The wall is parchment-like, with virtual absence of myocardium.

  • The parchment was repaired in various and not always very competent ways, probably in the 1950s or 1960s; three pages are now overlaid with silk.

  • They included manufacturers of parchment, mastic, rope and twine, and soda water and ginger beer.

  • The left-sided ventricle was remarkably dilated, and showed a parchment-like appearance, with a very thin wall whose thickness was 1.5 mm.

  • I then set the song down on a small piece of parchment, because it had been restored to my memory.

  • The technology of the plastered board, a parchment (or paper) support treated with a white ground, was not quickly abandoned.

  • The petition is written on a single sheet of parchment, 21" inches wide, # 28 inches high.

  • Their parchment leaves were used as strong binding materials.

  • The parchment has been folded over at the bottom and twenty-two seals tabs affixed.

  • The parchments range from eight euros ($11) to 30 euros ($40) apiece, plus shipping and handling.

Maksud parchment

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