
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan lamb. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi lamb.

Contoh lamb

  • A much simpler and more reliable solution than the unfortunate 'bleating lamb' effect that comes from attempting single-note trills on the vowels!

  • The value for each lamb was therefore expressed as a proportion of a positive control.

  • Three lambs had complete occlusion of the femoral artery at the ligature site with extensive collateral vessels, and no dilations were performed.

  • The lambs were the offspring of 37 sires and 491 dams.

  • Faecal egg counts from 2002 tracer lambs showed that all four paddocks were contaminated with nematode parasites.

  • One of the three lambs died within 2 days of housing despite its treatment on day 70 postgrazing.

  • After weaning at about 16 weeks of age, all lambs were moved to one field so as to minimize variation in exposure to infective larvae.

  • This comforting finding presumably explains the well documented clinical observation that coarctation is commoner in children than lambs!

  • More likely, such shepherds were accumulating capital in the form of lambs on the 'thirds' system.

  • The statistical distribution of trichostrongylid nematodes in grazing lambs.

  • Two groups of lambs were experimentally infected with different isolates, and kept separated on previously ungrazed plots.

  • Naive lambs were infected with larvae obtained from control and fenbendazole treated groups and were necropsied 35 days after infection for worm recovery.

  • Local eosinophil- and mast cell-related responses in abomasal nematode infections of lambs.

  • These strains were isolated from 4 animals (2 healthy lambs, 1 healthy goat kid and 1 diarrhoeic lamb).

  • Expanded ontogeny of neurotransmitters and their metabolites in the brains of fetal and newborn lambs.

Maksud lamb

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