
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan hereditary. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi hereditary.

Contoh hereditary

  • Similarly, being a quasi-random graph is also a hereditary property.

  • In the realm of hereditary genetics there are more precise examples of threshold phenomena as well.

  • In 1747, the system of land tenure by which a tenant could be summoned for military service, known as hereditary ward-holding, was abolished.

  • While in principle hereditary monarchy may have been disliked, it rarely took centre-stage in the analysis.

  • So, hereditary and communal rights to occupancy and individual ownership by a landlord are still in contest.

  • It is no surprise then that those who experienced everyday life in terms of the family thought of their occupancy of land as hereditary.

  • For the larger tenant, continued occupancy was secure under the lease system and, as such, they had less cause to mobilise concepts of hereditary right.

  • Recent years have seen the identification of many genetic defects that underlie hereditary neurodegenerative disorders in humans.

  • I argued that the communal use of space in the house provided a possible practical consciousness from which concepts of hereditary occupancy would be knowable.

  • Dickens presents a pseudo-aristocratic register in the noun phrases "familiar denomination," "antlered herd" and "shady precincts," with their connotations of hunting and hereditary lineage.

  • These media are also available to, and may affect the teaching and learning processes of, hereditary performers.

  • An extension of the concept of partitioning hereditary variance for analysis of covariance among relatives when epistasis is present.

  • An extension of the concept of partitioning hereditary variance for analysis of covariances among relatives when epistasis is present.

  • Right now the only hereditary relationship between parents and offspring is replication.

  • The use of space within the house thus relates to the maintenance of hereditary linkages within the family.

Maksud hereditary

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