
Ini adalah kata examples yang berkaitan dengan fashionable. Klik pada mana-mana perkataan untuk pergi ke halaman perincian perkataannya. Atau, pergi ke definisi fashionable.

Contoh fashionable

  • Alongside the desire to accord with fashionable ideals of familial life, more established imperatives become apparent.

  • Most producers mentioned that they now produce fashionable shoes in order to compete in the market.

  • Rather than directly indict the fashionable elite, critics of the bearing rein were quick to attribute its prevalence to working class cruelty and stupidity.

  • One in fashionable perfume isn't nice somehow, showing ignorance once.

  • It makes fashionable claims about the ' theatricality ' of preaching and about the ' nuanced ' readings on offer in subsequent essays.

  • Counter-productive masters were put on the back burner (front burner did not become fashionable until the 1970s).

  • It clearly allied its sitters with fashionable and widely read edicts on marriage.

  • However, in the sewing sector, purchase of fabric abroad is also a strategy to provide unique and fashionable products.

  • Tones are thus being used like contemporary hit melodies - once they are no longer fashionable, they are replaced.

  • The assembly was the focal point for a town's fashionable social life.

  • In recent years, interdisciplinary working has become increasingly fashionable within academia.

  • Discussions of the crinoline often focus on the unmanageable and frivolous behavior of fashionable women.

  • What gives us the heterogeneity and endless eclecticism is the constant flirting with fashionable art values, or worse, amateur play with philosophy.

  • He said many people turned to anglicisms only to appear fashionable, by using words such as "look" instead of "a very beautiful word like immagine".

  • They are all either made out of run-of-the-mill material or depend upon currently fashionable devices for coining new expressions.

Maksud fashionable

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