little 정의

  • 0 small in size or amount -- 작은

    • I had a little bit of cake.

    • She’s so little.

    • I have a little bag.

  • 1 young -- 어린

  • 2 not important -- 사소한

  • 3 short in time or distance -- (시간이나 거리가) 짧은

    • Let’s have a little break.

    • Sit down for a little while.

  • 4 used to show affection or dislike for someone or something -- 사람이나 사물에 애정이나 싫어한 마음을 담아 쓰인다

  • 5 not much or not enough -- 약간

    • There’s so little time.


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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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