Significato di whisper in italiano

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whisper Definizione e significato

  • 0 to speak very quietly so that other people cannot hear -- bisbigliare, sussurrare

    • She whispered something to the girl sitting next to her. Ha sussurrato qualcosa all’orecchio della ragazza che le sedeva accanto.

  • 1 to speak or say very softly -- bisbigliare, sussurrare

    • You’ll have to whisper or he’ll hear you

    • ‘Don’t tell him,’ she whispered.

  • 2 (of trees etc) to make a soft sound in the wind -- frusciare

    • The leaves whispered in the breeze.

  • 3 a very quiet sound, especially something said -- bisbiglio, sussurro

    • They spoke in whispers.


Frase quotidiana

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Possiamo completarlo passo dopo passo, indipendentemente dalla lunghezza della strada, e non può essere completato, per quanto breve sia la strada, se non segni nemmeno la tua impronta.

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