Significato di squeeze in italiano

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squeeze Definizione e significato

  • 0 to press something firmly -- spremere, comprimere, strizzare, stringere

    • She squeezed his hand and said goodbye. Salutandola le ha stretto forte la mano.

  • 1 to press (something) together or from all sides tightly -- stringere; spremere

  • 2 to force (eg oneself) eg into or through a narrow space -- infilarsi; schiacciare

    • The dog squeezed himself / his body into the hole

    • We were all squeezed into the back seat of the car.

  • 3 to force something, eg liquid, out of something by pressing -- spremere

    • She squeezed the oranges (into a jug)

    • We might be able to squeeze some more money/information out of him.

  • 4 an act of squeezing -- stretta, abbraccio


Frase quotidiana

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Possiamo completarlo passo dopo passo, indipendentemente dalla lunghezza della strada, e non può essere completato, per quanto breve sia la strada, se non segni nemmeno la tua impronta.

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