to Definizione In italiano

  • 0 used with a verb to make the infinitive -- usato con un verbo per formare l’infinito

  • 1 used to give the reason for doing something -- per

    • I’m just going out to get some milk. Esco un attimo a prendere il latte.

  • 2 in the direction of something -- a, in direzione di

    • I ran to the door. Sono corso alla porta.

  • 3 used to show who gets something -- a

    • Could you give these keys to Pete? Puoi dare queste chiavi a Pete?

  • 4 used to give information about periods of time and distances -- da… a…

    • The bus goes from London to Cambridge. L’autobus va da Londra a Cambridge.

    • The museum is open from Monday to Saturday. Il museo è aperto dal lunedì al sabato.

  • 5 used to say ‘before’ the hour when you are saying what time it is -- a

    • It’s five to three. Mancano cinque minuti alle tre.




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