they Definizione In italiano

  • 0 used as the subject of the verb when meaning a group of people, animals, or things that have already been talked about -- essi, esse, loro

    • I saw Kate and Nick yesterday – they came over for dinner. Ieri ho visto Kate e Nick – sono venuti a cena.

  • 1 used to refer to a person when you want to avoid saying ‘he’ or ‘she’ or when you do not know if the person is male or female -- usato per parlare di qualcuno quando si vuole evitare l’uso di “he” o “she” o se non si sa se la persona è uomo o donna

    • If anybody comes, they can wait in the hall. Se viene qualcuno, possono aspettare nell’ingresso.

  • 2 people in general -- si (soggetto impersonale)

    • They say that money can’t buy happiness. Si dice che i soldi non fanno la felicità.

  • 3 persons, animals or things already spoken about, being pointed out etc -- essi, esse, loro

  • 4 used instead of he, he or she etc when the person’s sex is unknown or when people of both sexes are being referred to -- (lui), (lei)

    • If anyone does that, they are to be severely punished.




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