reflect Definizione In italiano

  • 0 If a surface such as a mirror or water reflects something, you can see the image of that thing in the mirror, water, etc. -- riflettere

    • He saw himself reflected in the shop window. Si è visto riflesso nella vetrina del negozio.

  • 1 to show or be a sign of something -- riflettere

    • The statistics reflect a change in people’s spending habits. Le statistiche riflettono un cambiamento nel modo in cui le persone spendono il denaro.

  • 2 to think in a serious and careful way -- riflettere

    • In prison, he had plenty of time to reflect on his crimes. In prigione ha avuto molto tempo per riflettere sui reati che aveva commesso.

  • 3 to send back (light, heat etc) -- riflettere

  • 4 (of a mirror etc) to give an image of -- riflettersi

    • She was reflected in the mirror/water.

  • 5 to think carefully -- riflettere

    • Give him a minute to reflect (on what he should do).




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