or Definizione In italiano

  • 0 used between possibilities, or before the last of many possibilities -- o, oppure

    • You can have coffee or tea. Puoi scegliere tè o caffè.

    • Is the baby a boy or a girl? Il neonato è maschio o femmina?

  • 1 used after a negative verb to mean not one thing and also not another -- né

    • Tim doesn’t eat meat or fish. Tim non mangia né carne né pesce.

  • 2 used to give someone a warning or advice -- altrimenti

    • You should be careful, or you’ll have an accident. Dovresti fare attenzione o avrai un incidente.

  • 3 used to change or correct something you have said -- o almeno

    • He finished the work, or most of it, anyway. Ha finito il lavoro, o almeno la maggior parte, comunque.

  • 4 used to show an alternative -- o

  • 5 because if not -- altrimenti

    • Hurry or you’ll be late.




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