how Definizione In italiano

  • 0 used to ask about quantity, size, or age -- quanto

    • How much (= what price) was that dress? Quanto è costato quell’abito?

    • How old are they? Quanti anni hanno?

    • How big is the house? Quanto è grande la casa?

  • 1 used to ask someone if they are well and happy -- come stai?

    • ‘How are you, Ellie?’ ‘Oh, not so bad, thanks.’ “Come stai, Ellie?” “Oh, non c’è male, grazie.”

  • 2 used to ask about the way something happens or is done -- come

    • How do you keep the house so clean? Come fai a tenere la casa così pulita?

    • How did he die? Come è morto?

  • 3 used to make a suggestion -- che ne dici/pensi… ?

    • How about going to the cinema? Che ne dici di andare al cinema?

  • 4 a polite thing to say to someone you are meeting for the first time -- piacere (d’incontrarla)!

  • 5 used to ask about what an experience or event was like -- come




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