go down Definizione In italiano

  • 0 to become lower in level -- abbassarsi, diminuire

    • Food prices have gone down recently. Il prezzo del cibo recentemente è calato.

    • Profits have gone down by about two percent. Il profitto è calato di circa il due per cento.

  • 1 When the sun goes down, it moves down in the sky until it cannot be seen any more. -- tramontare

    • I sat on the beach and watched the sun go down. Mi sono seduto sulla spiaggia a guardare il tramonto del sole.

  • 2 (with well/badly) to be approved or disapproved of -- essere accolto bene/male

    • The story went down well (with them).

  • 3 (of a ship) to sink -- affondare

    • The sailors were lost at sea when the ship went down.

  • 4 (of the sun or moon) to go below the horizon -- tramontare

  • 5 to be remembered -- passare alla storia




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