
Questi sono definitions della parola relativi a hug. Fare clic su una parola per andare alla pagina dei dettagli della parola. O, vai alla definizione di hug.

Significato di hug in italiano

  • 0 to put your arms around someone and hold them, usually because you love them

    • They hugged and kissed each other. Si sono abbracciati e baciati.

  • 1 the action of putting your arms around someone and holding them

    • She gave me a big hug before she left. Mi ha dato un forte abbraccio prima che partisse.

  • 2 to hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love

    • She hugged her son when he returned from the war.

  • 3 to keep close to

    • During the storm, the ships all hugged the shore.

  • 4 a tight grasp with the arms, especially to show love

    • As they said good-bye she gave him a hug.

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