
Questi sono definitions della parola relativi a curse. Fare clic su una parola per andare alla pagina dei dettagli della parola. O, vai alla definizione di curse.

Significato di curse in italiano

  • 0 magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone

    • The witch put a curse on him. La strega ha gettato una maledizione su di lui.

  • 1 to use rude words because you are angry

    • He cursed angrily under his breath. Ha imprecato con rabbia fra sé e sé.

  • 2 to say magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone

    • Things were going badly – it was as if I’d been cursed. Le cose andavano male – era come se fossi stato maledetto.

  • 3 to wish that evil may fall upon

    • I curse the day that I was born!

    • The witch cursed him.

  • 4 to use violent language; to swear

    • He cursed (at his own stupidity) when he dropped the hammer on his toe.

  • 5 an act of cursing, or the words used

    • the witch’s curse.

  • 6 a thing or person which is cursed

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