factory Définition En Français

  • 0 a large building where a product is made -- fabrique [ feminine ]

    • factory workers des ouvriers d’usine

    • a shoe/cosmetic/firework etc. factory une fabrique de chaussures / usine de cosmétiques/ manufacture de feux d’artifice etc.

  • 1 a workshop where manufactured articles are made in large numbers -- usine

    • (also adjective) a factory worker.

    • a car factory


Examples of factory

  • The factory that exploded produced fertilisers.

  • It is a kind of invisible form of employment, which is not carried out in factories, shops or offices, but in the homes of private individuals.

  • Factory noise has been compared with the noise from music or concerts.

  • It was only later that it emerged that the factory did not comply with safety regulations!

  • What conditions do those working in that factory ship experience?

  • I would like to point out that my question is not concerned with whether this factory is entitled to aid or not.

  • It is unacceptable for a profitable factory to close, factories which are among the most productive in the whole group.

  • There is a chemical factory in the north-west which wrote to me to say that we must vote against this legislation.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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