Significado de get through en español

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get through Definición y significado

  • 0 to succeed in reaching sb by telephone -- localizar a alguien

    • I tried for hours but couldn’t get through. Lo intenté durante horas pero no pude localizarle.

  • 1 to cope with sth difficult -- superar

    • For an alcoholic, getting through the day without a drink is very hard. Para un alcohólico, pasar el día sin beber es muy difícil.


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We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Podemos completarlo paso a paso, por muy largo que sea el camino, y no se puede completar, por corto que sea el camino, si ni siquiera marcas tu huella.

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