Significado de flavor en español

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flavor Definición y significado

  • 0 the taste sth has -- sabor [ masculine ]

    • a spicy flavor un sabor picante

    • What flavor ice cream do you want? ¿Qué sabor de helado quieres?

  • 1 the quality of having taste -- condimento [ masculine ]

    • The soup needs more flavor. La sopa necesita más condimento.

  • 2 the character or quality typical of sth -- sabor [ masculine ]

    • Their dancing brings a flavor of Spain to the event. Su baile trae un sabor de España al evento.

  • 3 to give a taste to -- condimentar

    • oils flavored with herbs aceites condimentados con hierbas


Daily Sentence

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Podemos completarlo paso a paso, por muy largo que sea el camino, y no se puede completar, por corto que sea el camino, si ni siquiera marcas tu huella.

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