shortage Definición En Español

  • 0 a situation in which there is not enough of something that is needed -- escasez

  • 1 a lack -- escasez [ feminine, singular ]

    • water shortages la escasez de agua

    • a shortage of skilled workers una escasez de trabajadores calificados


Examples of shortage

  • There are a number of reasons for the fact that there will be food shortages and that there will be more people needing food, and even starving.

  • However, in a world challenged by energy shortages, we need to remain open-minded.

  • 56 000 citizens are waiting for donors and this shortage of organs intended for transplantation also causes other problems, criminal activity and criminal problems.

  • With digital technology and broad-band fibres and other transmission facilities, which will include satellites, a shortage of resources is a thing of the past!

  • Instead of limiting passenger transport, a solution is needed to deal with bottlenecks and shortages in railway capacity.

  • I saw the devastation caused by war and food shortages.

  • In my opinion, this can no longer be due to a shortage of time.

  • This unfair situation has come about due to a shortage of money.
